Project Management
Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, securing, and managing resources to achieve specific goals. Whether you are applying project management techniques within your own organization or within that of a client company, the first step requires promoting the value that project management offers. For many people, the idea of a structured process represents change, which is often unwelcome; and it is thought to be overly burdensome and even costly. In reality, successful project management offers important benefits to ensure goals are effectively accomplished for the benefit of the organization.
Precise execution of projects and programs is imperative to cost containment, sustainability, growth, and profitability and is what gives us a competitive advantage. Our Project and Program Managers are certified in project management discipline. They are the perfect fit to help guide, lead, and support your mission-critical program and project initiatives. We use a variety of project management techniques from traditional waterfall to the more robust Agile and Scrum methodologies, tailored to fit your specific requirements and culture. Contact Us today to learn how we can help you maximize your business success by utilizing our consulting services.
When we lead your projects or mentor you in managing your projects we:
  Establish Accountability
As part of the project management process, there is a person, the Project Manajer (PM), who is clearly identified as being responsible for both the completion and the success of the project. Should there be a potential point of failure, the PM is responsible for identifying and . . . [More]
  Mitigate Cost
A key benefit to successfully managing any project is the ability to deliver the finished project within budget. From the time a scope of work is first developed and an estimated budget approved, to the point of completion, costs for the project can inflate quickly when the proper . . . [More]
  Ensure On-time Delivery
Time is money, and projects that drag on unecessarily or beyond a projected completion date can take a toll on everything from revenues to cash reserves. The value of project management is that it provides a means for setting specific goals within realistic timeframes. As part of the process, the project manager then tracks each of the deliverables to ensure on-time completion.
  Provide a Conduit for Communication
When the process of project management is applied to an organization it sets up an established system for communication between team members, project managers and clients. The very nature of scoping out a project offers an agreed-upon . . . [More]
  Prevent Scope Creep
Whether it is time or money, or both, that eat away at the success of a project, you can be assured that both are a result of scope creep. The term, scope creep, is often used to describe what happens when your project continually evolves beyond the initial scope of work. More often than not, the uncontrollable growth . . . [More]
  Manage Risk
Through proper project management process, we identify potential risks or threats to the success of your project early in the process. Understanding the possible areas that can sabotage your project means better decisions are made from the start and, as a result, contribute to an on-time . . . [More]